I have finally decided I refuse to look at a calendar anymore. All I know is my husband has been gone for 19 days... and I miss him so much. I know it is nothing compared to a deployment, but when we said goodbye at the airport it was a total of 20 seconds. That's it! We thought we were going to see eachother in days. And now it will be a month at the least, until I see him again. Maybe longer. He is doing his best over there. I know he is. If it was up to him I would have been sitting right next to him on the plane. He got us a house... and is trying to get it ready for our arrival. I have an amazing husband. He makes my heart feel so good when he tells me everything will be ok. I believe him. We all have our battles we must fight to get to the victory. I think that is where we are at. Almost to the victory. And what a sweet, sweet feeling that is.
On another note... after my last blog I got a nasty email. Got called a few names. The usual. Sorry if I offended anyone. AGAIN, let me just say this is my blog. I will express my opinions, my hopes, my dreams, my thoughts, and my dirty laundry if I feel moved to. If you don't want me to be honest about the way I feel, then please don't make me feel that way. Sounds pretty easy. The only person I need to report to is my husband. However I do take all complaints and compliments to heart so I did waste a few more tears on your unappreciated email.
Next case of business... I am watching Dear John... I'm not sure I should be watching these types of movies by myself without my hubby!!! But NO ONE would go see this movie with me in the theatre, so I have no choice. Anywho, just wanted to write about the way I was feeling today. Please don't ask me anymore when I am leaving. I don't know... The second I have a plane ticket I will be letting everyone know. :) The waiting part is the hardest part, but at least I have something to wait for. I will always wait for my husband. And he makes everything worth the wait. Goodnight my friends.