Finally got moved in. I kept saying to my self once I move into the new apartment I am going to get out of the house everyday! I did escape from my homebody tendencies once or twice this week! The apartment is awesome! So much better than the first place we moved into. I love this... and it is already starting to feel like home! Our stuff won't be here until September 13th. Seems like so far away from now. Just more waiting... Soon this house will be turned into our home. It will be like Christmas when everything gets here.
Speaking of waiting... I feel like I wait around a lot. I wait for my deadlines with school... I wait for Logan to get up from nap so I can run errands... I'm always waiting for James to come home... waiting on the water to warm up before I hop in the shower... Wait for the clothes to dry... Or waiting for the storm to pass. I think I need to stop waiting and just get the heck out! I feel guilty going out and doing things without James, because that has been our thing the whole time we have been together. We do everything together! I hate to get out and explore Korea without him, but then again they keep him very busy at work! It's not his fault, and I know he would rather be going out exploring with Logan and I... but it doesn't work like that here.
The one way to not get cabin fever or homesick is to get and and make the time spent in this new country count. I love it here, no complaints from me! I just need to get out and about more. Logan is at the age where it's a little tough. The public temper tantrums aren't really my thing. I am trying my best to get him to understand, or maybe even listen a little, but he is not having it. It makes for a very long train ride... or day! He just wants to test his boundaires I guess... over and over and over and over. This is one tired momma! Now that we are finally settled... after over a year of stressful moves, and stays... I am hoping I can start getting our lives back on track.
It felt good to just take a deep breath tonight. To close my eyes and lay my head back... and breathe. Every situation is what you make of it. I am the only person who can make me happy. :) Logan and James help, but the ending factor is me. I am happy. This part in my life, I couldn't been happier. It feels so good to know that I made the best choice for my family... and for me.
"It's not about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about getting out and dancing in the rain."
Tomorrow... I am going to not sit at home. I am going to fly on the wings of adventure. See where my journey leads me. I will write again tomorrow.
Life after us. This is my everyday life as a tattooed momma of 3, most favorite daughter, craziest sister, an aunt 10 times, and a dreamer… I am a memory hoarder, volunteer, impatient believer, and a beer drinker. My favorite thing to do is sleep. We live in a tiny home, we eat McDonald’s and I dream of life without folding laundry. Almost divorced. Follow me on this new journey after us... and finding myself, again.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Moved Again... But the wait continues....

Moved Again... But the wait continues....
Finally got moved in. I kept saying to my self once I move into the new apartment I am going to get out of the house everyday! I did escape from my homebody tendencies once or twice this week! The apartment is awesome! So much better than the first place we moved into. I love this... and it is already starting to feel like home! Our stuff won't be here until September 13th. Seems like so far away from now. Just more waiting... Soon this house will be turned into our home. It will be like Christmas when everything gets here.
Speaking of waiting... I feel like I wait around a lot. I wait for my deadlines with school... I wait for Logan to get up from nap so I can run errands... I'm always waiting for James to come home... waiting on the water to warm up before I hop in the shower... Wait for the clothes to dry... Or waiting for the storm to pass. I think I need to stop waiting and just get the heck out! I feel guilty going out and doing things without James, because that has been our thing the whole time we have been together. We do everything together! I hate to get out and explore Korea without him, but then again they keep him very busy at work! It's not his fault, and I know he would rather be going out exploring with Logan and I... but it doesn't work like that here.
The one way to not get cabin fever or homesick is to get and and make the time spent in this new country count. I love it here, no complaints from me! I just need to get out and about more. Logan is at the age where it's a little tough. The public temper tantrums aren't really my thing. I am trying my best to get him to understand, or maybe even listen a little, but he is not having it. It makes for a very long train ride... or day! He just wants to test his boundaires I guess... over and over and over and over. This is one tired momma! Now that we are finally settled... after over a year of stressful moves, and stays... I am hoping I can start getting our lives back on track.
It felt good to just take a deep breath tonight. To close my eyes and lay my head back... and breathe. Every situation is what you make of it. I am the only person who can make me happy. :) Logan and James help, but the ending factor is me. I am happy. This part in my life, I couldn't been happier. It feels so good to know that I made the best choice for my family... and for me.
"It's not about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about getting out and dancing in the rain."
Tomorrow... I am going to not sit at home. I am going to fly on the wings of adventure. See where my journey leads me. I will write again tomorrow.
Speaking of waiting... I feel like I wait around a lot. I wait for my deadlines with school... I wait for Logan to get up from nap so I can run errands... I'm always waiting for James to come home... waiting on the water to warm up before I hop in the shower... Wait for the clothes to dry... Or waiting for the storm to pass. I think I need to stop waiting and just get the heck out! I feel guilty going out and doing things without James, because that has been our thing the whole time we have been together. We do everything together! I hate to get out and explore Korea without him, but then again they keep him very busy at work! It's not his fault, and I know he would rather be going out exploring with Logan and I... but it doesn't work like that here.
The one way to not get cabin fever or homesick is to get and and make the time spent in this new country count. I love it here, no complaints from me! I just need to get out and about more. Logan is at the age where it's a little tough. The public temper tantrums aren't really my thing. I am trying my best to get him to understand, or maybe even listen a little, but he is not having it. It makes for a very long train ride... or day! He just wants to test his boundaires I guess... over and over and over and over. This is one tired momma! Now that we are finally settled... after over a year of stressful moves, and stays... I am hoping I can start getting our lives back on track.
It felt good to just take a deep breath tonight. To close my eyes and lay my head back... and breathe. Every situation is what you make of it. I am the only person who can make me happy. :) Logan and James help, but the ending factor is me. I am happy. This part in my life, I couldn't been happier. It feels so good to know that I made the best choice for my family... and for me.
"It's not about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about getting out and dancing in the rain."
Tomorrow... I am going to not sit at home. I am going to fly on the wings of adventure. See where my journey leads me. I will write again tomorrow.

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Monsoon Season... Rain Rain is a Pain...
Hey that rhymed! Actually monsoon season hasn't been too bad! I kind of am enjoying it! Plus I am saving lots of money since I am not going out to shop! Getting to shop is exciting... but getting to shop during a monsoon is NOT exciting. I really need some rainboots. I looked online, but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. I found some today while I was out and about with some friends and they all have heels on them! Seriously? You need to have a heel on your rainboot? Not to mention my shoe size here is about a 480. :) I really don't know my shoe size here yet... All I know is my son's is a 140. Crazy aka "Beechon" in Korean!
Missing James... of course. Bought Logan a fish today and a very nice fish tank to match his room. We named his fish Monsoon :) Well I did, he didn't have a say in the name picking process. Two weeks until we get to move into our new apartment. I can't wait. I go on the 26th to get the inspection done, so it will begin to feel real then. I love this house, and it was great to start our adventure off with, but I will be so much happier at Viva. I think our whole family will be happier... Parks for Logan to play, including a water park, All the friends that I made are around that area, not to mention it is way closer to base. It is also much bigger! Oh, and did I mention a dishwasher. My poor poor hands... all this hard labor! James would laugh if he read that!
I am back to staying up all night. I guess I really can't sleep without him. It is 4:22 am here in Korea. I worked a few hours on my homework, and now I am clearing my mind before bed. I also wanted to share the news that I am trying to get a wrotong gig for a magazine. The only I would LOVE to write for is Military Spouse Magazine. I emailed them, which I am sure everyone does... And guess what I did... Yep, you gessed right... Forgot to spellcheck my email before I sent it!! Can you believe it? (Well I can!) They say patience is a virtue. We shall see if I get a response. If not... then i will keep trying. My good friend Dori (yeah the fish) said "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... What do we do??? Keep swimming!" I will keep trying, if you didn't pick up on that! Plus with the 10 day forecast saying rain everyday... I thought swimming would be more appropiate.
Goodnight Everyone! I hope this week is Blessed, and you love the one you're with!
Missing James... of course. Bought Logan a fish today and a very nice fish tank to match his room. We named his fish Monsoon :) Well I did, he didn't have a say in the name picking process. Two weeks until we get to move into our new apartment. I can't wait. I go on the 26th to get the inspection done, so it will begin to feel real then. I love this house, and it was great to start our adventure off with, but I will be so much happier at Viva. I think our whole family will be happier... Parks for Logan to play, including a water park, All the friends that I made are around that area, not to mention it is way closer to base. It is also much bigger! Oh, and did I mention a dishwasher. My poor poor hands... all this hard labor! James would laugh if he read that!
I am back to staying up all night. I guess I really can't sleep without him. It is 4:22 am here in Korea. I worked a few hours on my homework, and now I am clearing my mind before bed. I also wanted to share the news that I am trying to get a wrotong gig for a magazine. The only I would LOVE to write for is Military Spouse Magazine. I emailed them, which I am sure everyone does... And guess what I did... Yep, you gessed right... Forgot to spellcheck my email before I sent it!! Can you believe it? (Well I can!) They say patience is a virtue. We shall see if I get a response. If not... then i will keep trying. My good friend Dori (yeah the fish) said "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... What do we do??? Keep swimming!" I will keep trying, if you didn't pick up on that! Plus with the 10 day forecast saying rain everyday... I thought swimming would be more appropiate.
Goodnight Everyone! I hope this week is Blessed, and you love the one you're with!

Monsoon Season... Rain Rain is a Pain...
Hey that rhymed! Actually monsoon season hasn't been too bad! I kind of am enjoying it! Plus I am saving lots of money since I am not going out to shop! Getting to shop is exciting... but getting to shop during a monsoon is NOT exciting. I really need some rainboots. I looked online, but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. I found some today while I was out and about with some friends and they all have heels on them! Seriously? You need to have a heel on your rainboot? Not to mention my shoe size here is about a 480. :) I really don't know my shoe size here yet... All I know is my son's is a 140. Crazy aka "Beechon" in Korean!
Missing James... of course. Bought Logan a fish today and a very nice fish tank to match his room. We named his fish Monsoon :) Well I did, he didn't have a say in the name picking process. Two weeks until we get to move into our new apartment. I can't wait. I go on the 26th to get the inspection done, so it will begin to feel real then. I love this house, and it was great to start our adventure off with, but I will be so much happier at Viva. I think our whole family will be happier... Parks for Logan to play, including a water park, All the friends that I made are around that area, not to mention it is way closer to base. It is also much bigger! Oh, and did I mention a dishwasher. My poor poor hands... all this hard labor! James would laugh if he read that!
I am back to staying up all night. I guess I really can't sleep without him. It is 4:22 am here in Korea. I worked a few hours on my homework, and now I am clearing my mind before bed. I also wanted to share the news that I am trying to get a wrotong gig for a magazine. The only I would LOVE to write for is Military Spouse Magazine. I emailed them, which I am sure everyone does... And guess what I did... Yep, you gessed right... Forgot to spellcheck my email before I sent it!! Can you believe it? (Well I can!) They say patience is a virtue. We shall see if I get a response. If not... then i will keep trying. My good friend Dori (yeah the fish) said "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... What do we do??? Keep swimming!" I will keep trying, if you didn't pick up on that! Plus with the 10 day forecast saying rain everyday... I thought swimming would be more appropiate.
Goodnight Everyone! I hope this week is Blessed, and you love the one you're with!
Missing James... of course. Bought Logan a fish today and a very nice fish tank to match his room. We named his fish Monsoon :) Well I did, he didn't have a say in the name picking process. Two weeks until we get to move into our new apartment. I can't wait. I go on the 26th to get the inspection done, so it will begin to feel real then. I love this house, and it was great to start our adventure off with, but I will be so much happier at Viva. I think our whole family will be happier... Parks for Logan to play, including a water park, All the friends that I made are around that area, not to mention it is way closer to base. It is also much bigger! Oh, and did I mention a dishwasher. My poor poor hands... all this hard labor! James would laugh if he read that!
I am back to staying up all night. I guess I really can't sleep without him. It is 4:22 am here in Korea. I worked a few hours on my homework, and now I am clearing my mind before bed. I also wanted to share the news that I am trying to get a wrotong gig for a magazine. The only I would LOVE to write for is Military Spouse Magazine. I emailed them, which I am sure everyone does... And guess what I did... Yep, you gessed right... Forgot to spellcheck my email before I sent it!! Can you believe it? (Well I can!) They say patience is a virtue. We shall see if I get a response. If not... then i will keep trying. My good friend Dori (yeah the fish) said "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... What do we do??? Keep swimming!" I will keep trying, if you didn't pick up on that! Plus with the 10 day forecast saying rain everyday... I thought swimming would be more appropiate.
Goodnight Everyone! I hope this week is Blessed, and you love the one you're with!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Goodbyes Never Get Easier.
Well I have been in Korea for a little over 3 weeks now... And things have gotten a little easier for me. I understand the taxi's (as long as they under stand me) and I know how to buy a ticket for the subway... still haven't taken a bus yet... all in all I know I can survive. James left today. He is will be in the field for a month. No matter how many times you say goodbye, it never gets easier. Still makes me tear up at the thought of being on my own. I depend on him so much. His love and friendship.... I know that no matter what comes my way i can get through it with him by my side... I guess this is a test of strength. If I can survive in Korea for a month, I can survive anywhere! (hopefully) We love our house, but decided to move into an apartment. We will be closer to base, and closer to other wives. (More Americans too) I move on the 1st of August. He will be gone, but there isn't that much to move so that's a good thing. I think it truly hit me tonight that I am gone from my comfort zone back in TX. That my friends that I have there will eventually move on with their lives. Distance is tough... I know this. It is tough on everyone. And so much changes in two years.
Logan is doing great. He is adjusting very well. I REALLY need to find him a play group so he can start talking. Before I left TX the peditrician tried to tell me I needed to get his hearing checked since he wasn't talking yet. I really don't think that's it. i think it is the life he has lived so far... He has been moved around and kept in a room with me all day long. He hasn't got to interact with very many kids, or go to his own room to pick out a toy. He doesn't have much here yet, but he sure does love going into his room. I can't wait until our HHG (household goods - for non military people) gets here. I can finally put our house back together... and it will stay put for atleast two years. That is a breathe of fresh air!
Tonight my heart is lonely. Tomorrow brings a new days though, and a new adventure. It also means we are one day closer to our new home, and James coming home again.
Bless the people who serve our country, and bless the loved ones who wait patiently for their return!
Logan is doing great. He is adjusting very well. I REALLY need to find him a play group so he can start talking. Before I left TX the peditrician tried to tell me I needed to get his hearing checked since he wasn't talking yet. I really don't think that's it. i think it is the life he has lived so far... He has been moved around and kept in a room with me all day long. He hasn't got to interact with very many kids, or go to his own room to pick out a toy. He doesn't have much here yet, but he sure does love going into his room. I can't wait until our HHG (household goods - for non military people) gets here. I can finally put our house back together... and it will stay put for atleast two years. That is a breathe of fresh air!
Tonight my heart is lonely. Tomorrow brings a new days though, and a new adventure. It also means we are one day closer to our new home, and James coming home again.
Bless the people who serve our country, and bless the loved ones who wait patiently for their return!

Goodbyes Never Get Easier.
Well I have been in Korea for a little over 3 weeks now... And things have gotten a little easier for me. I understand the taxi's (as long as they under stand me) and I know how to buy a ticket for the subway... still haven't taken a bus yet... all in all I know I can survive. James left today. He is will be in the field for a month. No matter how many times you say goodbye, it never gets easier. Still makes me tear up at the thought of being on my own. I depend on him so much. His love and friendship.... I know that no matter what comes my way i can get through it with him by my side... I guess this is a test of strength. If I can survive in Korea for a month, I can survive anywhere! (hopefully) We love our house, but decided to move into an apartment. We will be closer to base, and closer to other wives. (More Americans too) I move on the 1st of August. He will be gone, but there isn't that much to move so that's a good thing. I think it truly hit me tonight that I am gone from my comfort zone back in TX. That my friends that I have there will eventually move on with their lives. Distance is tough... I know this. It is tough on everyone. And so much changes in two years.
Logan is doing great. He is adjusting very well. I REALLY need to find him a play group so he can start talking. Before I left TX the peditrician tried to tell me I needed to get his hearing checked since he wasn't talking yet. I really don't think that's it. i think it is the life he has lived so far... He has been moved around and kept in a room with me all day long. He hasn't got to interact with very many kids, or go to his own room to pick out a toy. He doesn't have much here yet, but he sure does love going into his room. I can't wait until our HHG (household goods - for non military people) gets here. I can finally put our house back together... and it will stay put for atleast two years. That is a breathe of fresh air!
Tonight my heart is lonely. Tomorrow brings a new days though, and a new adventure. It also means we are one day closer to our new home, and James coming home again.
Bless the people who serve our country, and bless the loved ones who wait patiently for their return!
Logan is doing great. He is adjusting very well. I REALLY need to find him a play group so he can start talking. Before I left TX the peditrician tried to tell me I needed to get his hearing checked since he wasn't talking yet. I really don't think that's it. i think it is the life he has lived so far... He has been moved around and kept in a room with me all day long. He hasn't got to interact with very many kids, or go to his own room to pick out a toy. He doesn't have much here yet, but he sure does love going into his room. I can't wait until our HHG (household goods - for non military people) gets here. I can finally put our house back together... and it will stay put for atleast two years. That is a breathe of fresh air!
Tonight my heart is lonely. Tomorrow brings a new days though, and a new adventure. It also means we are one day closer to our new home, and James coming home again.
Bless the people who serve our country, and bless the loved ones who wait patiently for their return!

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