I think I really should start sleeping more often! My day starts off pretty early every morning, and I don't get any sleep in between. I think my gas tank might be running a little low tonight (well it's 3:30 in the morning). I didn't want to leave my readers hanging! The topic yesterday was deep and sincere. It was about my personal struggle for strength. Today, I want to write about my personal fight to leave behind footprints that can be viewed as kindness.
I want to change that world. Period. And if I can't do it, then I hope I can enstill the want in Logan (and maybe other sessions babies.... much later). A kind heart in my eyes is change. So many people are going into survival mode due to economical hardships, and that scares me. All the hate in this world, you wouldn't think that just ONE kind heart would take the hatred away... but it is a start. I want to raise Logan in an environment where there is an open door policy during holidays. When I was working at Country Place Pharmacy (You will hear me refer to it several times because my boss Christina, changed my life) we serviced all the eldery people living in the retirement community that was located behind us. We had customers of all ages, but the ones that stood out of the crowd were the ones with the kind smiles. The situations Christina and I were put in sometimes were CRAZY. I mean we laughed, we cried, we raised money for two of the residents that lost their entire house to a fire. Christina and I actually stood outside in disbelief as we watched their house burn to the ground. We saw spouses grieve when they lost the only love of their life. We met family members that always said "Wow, for only being a pharmacy my mom/dad sure does talk about you like you're one of the family." The reason behind all of this... we were kind and we genuinely cared for them. One time a customer had just gotten home from surgery and she couldn't get the cap off her ice pack... Christina let me drive all the way over there to unscrew it. There was this one sweet little old lady... man did I love her. She would keep me at her house for hours if I let her, telling me everything about anything. She had family, but not ones with an open ear and a patient heart. She ended up moving out to webster into an assisted living community. Sure enough I drove her prescriptions all the way out there. I even helped her unpack. She was such a sweet soul. On friday's they had family lunch there and she knew Friday was my day off. She told me for being so sweet she bought me a meal ticket so I could eat with her. Creamed corn along with other mushy, barely edible items had never tasted so good then in that moment. She was glowing, she because she had a friend.
I know you're all dying to hear some of the crazy stories before I make you run out and adopt a grandparent. :) This one whipper snapper... man was she a handful! She always kissed us on the lips, while trying to remember our names! One time she brought a fecal sample up in a zip lock bag... wanting to know if something was wrong with her. That was the type of person Christina was... everyone thought of her as the first person to come to for anything! Even poop! lol (It's funny to me) I would make a delievery to her house and she would tell me about her stories. She married once, the love of her life... and then they had a son, the second love of her life. Both died VERY young of cancer. She never remarried. Then she moves on to offering me a glass of whiskey. I was always on the job, so I sweetly declined. (If whiskey makes you that fiesty, and live that long... sign me up!) I use to go on my days off to iron her shorts... yes, I said shorts. It was the highlight of my day. She didn't even notice I couldn't iron! Haha
Ok another one... I was on another delievery... And this lady (again little old lady, but not very sweet at all) said her home healthcare nurse was running late and her back hurt really bad. She asked if I could rub a little BENGAY on it for her. I paused... due to being frightened and confused... and regretfully accepted. She turned around and faced the couch... only to drop her pants. I closed my eyes and said "oh no no no no... I certainly can't do that, but your nurse will be here shortly." Man that was a mess...
Moral of my story... Each one changed my life. No matter what my day was like, or how hard Christina was working me (yeah right) they always put smiles on our faces. Bet you didn't know that you could get your prescriptions filled and adopt a new family member all at the same time!
Get out... and make a difference people. Our children are growing up in a world of hate. I can't tell you how many status' on facebook said they wouldn't donate to the people in Haiti because people need just as much help here in America. Let me ask you this though... did you donate that $10 to someone else here in America? Probably not. And if you did, then I am sorry for being sarcastic!
The best quote is a line from Logan's favorite movie "A person's a person, no matter how small."
I have been under the bridges in downtown to feed the homeless, I have donated money every year to at least 4 different charities. Stopped at a red light and saw a homeless girl freezing so I gave her my new jacket off my back... (I don't give money though, Sorry!) I have sponsored a child from Africa with Aids for a year. I volunteered at the Epilespy Summer Camp despensing all the kids medications while being pregnant... It is easy to show someone else you care. Be the chnage you want to see in the world.
Ok, I am off my soapbox... you are only safe until tomorrow!
P.s. I am overwhelmed by the amount of people who have been reading my blogs. I didn't think that many people wanted to hear my story. Thank you. It is amazing...
Life after us. This is my everyday life as a tattooed momma of 3, most favorite daughter, craziest sister, an aunt 10 times, and a dreamer… I am a memory hoarder, volunteer, impatient believer, and a beer drinker. My favorite thing to do is sleep. We live in a tiny home, we eat McDonald’s and I dream of life without folding laundry. Almost divorced. Follow me on this new journey after us... and finding myself, again.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Leaving Your Footprints

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1 comment:
I remember the lady that lived in the assisted living place in Webster! I went over there with you one time! She was so sweet!
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