It's officially October. That means the world pretty much becomes painted pink in order to raise awareness for breast cancer.
Pink just happens to be my favorite color... and helping to change the world is a favorite of mine too.
I had the 60 miles in 3 days Susan G Komen on my bucket list for most of my adult life. Last year I finally put a checkmark by it. It was a sense of self-accomplishment. I did something so completely out of my comfort zone to help others.... but little did I know it changed me.
This was not an easy task by any means. People think just walking 60 miles is easy. You can go shopping ALL day at the mall with no problems. That's about 60 miles right?? Yeah... NO!!! You are outside walking on concrete, in the bitter cold mornings that end up super hot in the afternoon because you are under the blaring sun. Sometimes even rain! You walk.... and walk.... and walk. Until your feet bleed. Lots of people lost toenails!! Yuck, I know!
While you are walking the streets of Fort Worth/Dallas are lined with supporters. Family, Friends, and strangers coming out to cheer you on. I can't even begin to explain the emotion. It is overwhelming. All I wanted to do is cry last year. My body shook. I had never felt like something I did matter as much as it did to these bystanders. Kids... Little kids were on the side of the road holding signs that said "Thank you for walking for my mom or grandma." "Every little girl deserves to know their grandma." Seriously.... it was extremely emotional.
People lined the streets... They brought food, candy, water, stickers, gum, donuts, coffee... They brought strength. It is UNBELIEVABLE. I kid you not... on mile 59 a huge group of men in all pink even were handing us BEER! You better believe I drank one!!
In order to get there... to walk 60 miles... you have to raise $2,300. That my friends, took me forever to do. Almost a whole year. Of course now it's October and the walk is in 37 days... and I have raised ZERO. This year has gone by so fast. I have been battling depression, all of this horrific bladder crap, and to top it all off... I had a baby. Little did I know that last year when I walked SIXTY miles that I was pregnant. I even slept in a tent! (Hey, it was PINK.)
So here I find myself at 3:31 am thinking to myself... I HAVE to do this again this year. Not only for all the people who are fighting this disease or sadly lost their battle, but for me.
I walk for you. For your mother. Your sister. Your aunt. Your dad. (Yes, men can get it too.) Your daughter. Your niece. I walk for MY daughters. My sisters. My nieces. My mom. I walk for me.
I am a mom 24 hours and 7 days a week. That means 365 days a year. I don't get to go on vacation. I rarely get a break. This is what I wanted though! I am so blessed to have written all of those statements. This is the one time I have to walk 20+ miles a day and reflect on how my life is so blessed. As I take each step I remember that no matter how stressed I am I am not hurting like so many others that are fighting. Or who lost the fight.
My family was there all 3 days and followed me along the way to cheer me on. I get teary eyed just remembering how much I needed the extra support to keep going and then seeing their smiling faces. They believed in me. The term for supports that follow the walkers along the 60 miles path are called Walker Stalkers. Anyone can do this!! It's actually encouraged! It was such a fun treat seeing so many people dressed up... their cars decorated, and honking their horns over and over and over.
You can also send mail. This was AMAZING. I sat in my tent and cried my eyes out. My husband, my kids, my mom, my sisters, my brother in law, my nephew, and a friend from high school all sent me letters to keep me going strong. Let me tell you... It was... I can't describe it. I knew because of these letters, that I was doing something to change the world.
I have so much more to say.
The feelings I had that weekend all rushed back to me as I am writing. I want to do this one last time. I need to do this one last time to feel that sense of importance. Like I'm doing something just for me.
If you can donate, please do. I post the link at the very bottom. I will forever be grateful and I will never forget.
I will be doing bake sales every weekend until I raise this money. I WILL do it.
If you want to send me camp mail here is the info:
Send a LetterGetting mail on event can provide a big boost to a participant’s spirits. Take a few minutes to write a note which will brighten up their Komen 3-Day experience! Send letters to the P.O. Box below, and we’ll bring them to camp for the participant to pick up.
Susan G. Komen 3-Day Camp Mail
ATTN: Mallory SessionsP.O. Box 5392
Frisco, TX 75034
***Mail must be postmarked no later than October 28. Envelopes only, please. No boxes or large packages. Any mail that is not received by the 3-Day
® by November 4 or retrieved by the participant by November 24 will be destroyed. Please note: This address is not the actual location of camp, but a PO Box for mail delivery only.
Here are some pictures of before the walk and during.
This is my son and I about to do a bake sale to raise money.
These were all the names of people who supported me. This banner was on our tent.
This is the sign that had all our Angels and all the Survivors who still are fighting the battle or who have won.
All my 3 DAY gear. Love me some pink!
Sylvia and at 5 am before it all started! Whew I was tired!
This was the group of ladies from Fort Hood, All 3 of them are soldiers!!!
TWENTY miles down!!! The hardest thing I've ever done. I walked almost the whole 1st day by myself!
Firemen that stood outside to show support. I actually don't know the lady standing with me!
These ladies.... Man, they helped me finish. We became instant friends. They finished the 2nd day with me and walked the entire 3rd day with me. I don't know if I could have kept going without them.
I never thought I would see this!! FIFTY NINE miles!!!
I think I screamed when I saw these guys!!! They had a keg in the back of their truck! Heck YES to an adult beverage!
We did it! We finished strong... Together.
Oh boy.... was I hurtin' bad!
This picture right here is worth a thousand words... We all became Sole Sisters.
Camp mail. My motivation. Thanks guys!
Again... this made me cry. That's my hubby, kids and mom back there!
Our tent!
My mom and daughter eating lunch with me around mile 32.
Supporter handing out candy to the walkers.
These little girls were dressed in ALL pink. They had drew pictures with chalk on their driveway for us!
People placed signs all over the place. Balloons in trees. Ribbons tied on everything.
These ladies came all the way from Killeen to show their support! Two of them will be walking this year!!
The closing ceremony.
My feet after the FIRST day.... Yes, I walked on them for TWO more days!
This was my personal goal!
Kids got to come out of their schools on Friday to show support. Cheerleaders had special cheers for us. Kids had made signs. Lots of them dressed in PINK too.
Trina and Antoinette took me into their group and helped me finish strong! That day we cried together, talked for hours and hours, but most of all... we became friends.
To make a donation please click here.