It's kind of like a club.... or maybe I should say a cult. Once you join... the only way to get out is to cross over to heaven. Seriously.
Some days you want to scream. Who am I kidding? Every day you want to scream.
I spend my days filtering my thoughts. What would people think if I posted this on Facebook?
"How much Disney JR did I let them watch today? Did I really just say yes to cookies and milk for breakfast? Did my kids eat a vegetable with all 3 meals today?... Seriously, I just want to make sure they had 3 meals! Has the dog had food today? Oh my goodness... we have a fish. Has the fish been fed at all this week? A week... when was the last time I showered? I really think I just sent the kid to bed without brushing their teeth. Do I dare wake them back up to prevent cavities in teeth that are about to fall out? Wait... Did I brush my teeth this morning? Oh crap... it's 10 pm and my coffee is still sitting on the Krieg machine. Cold. Speaking of cold... I need to get my kids winter jackets. Winter in TX? Yeah I know... last year we all wore flip flops in the snow. Could I chance it again this year? Probably not. I'll go look tomorrow. Oh man... Tomorrow I have so much to do. Laundry. Yes, THAT'S what I need to do tomorrow. I have about 7 loads washed and dried. I think we have crossed over to Mt. Laundry... instead of a slightly filled laundry basket. Great... I just realized I wore the same thing I wore yesterday. I hope no one saw me while grocery shopping. Grocery shopping... can't believe I forgot half my list. The list would have worked better if I didn't leave it at home. Home sweet home... Or should I say Home Sweet Mess. I need to clean. How can I clean when all I want to do is rest? Do you hear that?? All the kids are resting. It's silent. I guess I'll go take that shower. Water running... BAHHHHHHHH!!!! Someone flushed the toilet. Old houses mean you can't flush the toilet while someone is showering or you will give them a 3rd degree burn! Maybe that was my husband. Wait... he is home? I feel like we haven't seen each other in days. We need a date night. What is a date night? Can we date at home? Speaking of dating... Did the kids eat dinner before they went to bed?"
I read an article someone posted on Facebook about "21 reasons you should be thankful you don't have kids yet." Not going to lie... I could have written it. It was so true.
I'm not saying don't have kids. What I'm saying is... My house is an amazing form of birth control. Instead of showing "16 and pregnant" in hopes that it will help lower the percentage of teen pregnancies... just film us.
Tonight I looked at the clock... It was 11:37 PM. Yes, I basically said midnight. All THREE kids... (not 1, not 2, but 3) were all awake dancing around the living room. Ok, not the baby. She was just watching and saying a "coo" every now and then. I took a deep breath and I said to myself "Mallory, you're doing a great job. Give yourself grace. The babies are loved and they are the happiest they can be. Nothing else matters at this very moment.
Throw the parenting books out. Stop asking FB if you're doing the right thing. Just love them. Let them be kids. Let them learn every minute of every day. Show them they are all you ever dreamed of. Lead by example. You can't teach your child to stop and smell the roses if you don't stop yourself my friends. You're going to make mistakes. You will probably lose your temper more than once. It's ok. Children are forgiving little humans. They don't care if you don't make everything you pin on Pinterest. They won't hate you for always having your phone in your hand. They won't hold it against you because you formula fed or breast fed in public. They won't even notice if you didn't make all their organic baby food from scratch. *Gasp, I know.* They will remember all the good and how much they were loved. I look back at my childhood and my mom didn't have all the books telling her what she was doing wrong. She yelled! She grounded us! She made mistakes! And I love her more than ever because she was HER. I'm so thankful that she instilled pieces of herself in me.
Over in our house.... We are living folks!
For real now... Everyone is asleep. Even K who is spending the first night in her BIG girl bed. She was having a rough time so her knight in shining armor came to her rescue. Seeing him do things like this make me fall in love all over again. I love this family. To the moon and back. Now... Off to get my 4 hours of sleep! Goodnight <3 nbsp="" p="">
Life after us. This is my everyday life as a tattooed momma of 3, most favorite daughter, craziest sister, an aunt 10 times, and a dreamer… I am a memory hoarder, volunteer, impatient believer, and a beer drinker. My favorite thing to do is sleep. We live in a tiny home, we eat McDonald’s and I dream of life without folding laundry. Almost divorced. Follow me on this new journey after us... and finding myself, again.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
I'm THAT mom... and I'm perfectly fine with that.
lots of laundry,
no books,
no showers,
parenting by numbers,
rasing kid with love

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1 comment:
I love you girl. Most nights Cody sleeps on the kids floor. And I'm sure I've sent my kids to bed with cookies for breakfast and teeth unbrushed
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