Well, Hello there 2015. It’s so nice to see you… or is it?
I wanted to sit down and write last night, but I wanted to
truly think about what 2014 meant to me. There were lots of ups… and some
downs. I had my Sadie girl. That was enough of an UP to last the rest of the
Other than that… I feel like 2014 was just ok. I don’t feel
like I accomplished much. My kids are alive and healthy so that should count
for something! I also never checked into a padded room (Thought about it, but
didn’t). I guess you can count that as another accomplishment. BUT… I didn’t
change the world. I didn’t get promoted, or organize my house, lose a million
pounds, travel the world, or buy a new car. Nothing like that. It went by so
fast. I had good intentions in 2014.
I have half of my Facebook posting news year’s resolutions
and the other half making fun of the people who make resolutions. Truthfully….
I think resolutions are great. Making a goal for yourself in the New Year means
you have hope. Hope is a good thing! Hope for change! Believing in yourself to
make better decisions, achieve dreams, and be a better YOU. What can be so bad
about that? I applaud you resolution makers! Sounds better than going into a
new year being a Debbie Downer right?
So here I am… thinking about my resolutions. Thinking about
what 2015 has in store for me. Where will I want to be in exactly ONE year?
For starters, this year means my husband will be leaving.
For a long time. It sucks.
Then I think about all this time I will have by myself
(Well, technically ZERO because of my 3 beautiful babies… but I mean without
him to physically fall back on). I can work on me… At night… when hopefully my
children will be sleeping. I can read. Get on the treadmill. Write. Craft. I
will discover my own inner strength. Some women never find theirs. I will.
It will be an adventure. A lonely one, but still an amazing
adventure. Only military spouses understand this. Or prison wives. (I admit it.
I’ve watched it.)
I know you’re all on the edge of your seats for my
resolutions. They are simple.
Go back to school. Just one or two classes.
Nothing crazy.
Blog more. Write more. (I want to write it all
down. My accomplishments and failures because I want to be able to show my kids
proof. It’s NOT easy, and you can’t be perfect ALL the time or even some of the
time. It’s such a heavy expectation to carry around with you all the time.)
Put my phone down during the day.
Teach Logan to tie his shoes.
Play catch with Shepp. (Our dog… not one of the
kids! Although, it sounds like a good idea.)
Donate things we don’t need. (I have LOTS of
crap. Not crappy things, just lots of stuff.)
Do a total transformation from when my husband
leaves and then returns. (This will be 2015 & 2016. There will be pictures at
some point.)
Spend more time teaching Kora things. (Maybe this
will help with her destructive ways!)
Soak up Sadie’s “Mommy ONLY” phase. (It won’t
always be this way.)
Watch one of Ellen’s shows live. (A girl can
dream right?)
Love myself.
Oh, and make my bed at least once a week. (Why
make it if you’re just going to mess it back up? I’ve never understood that
Follow through on more things. (Give me a break…
I already admitted I had good intentions, what more do you want?)
Spend less. (I’m a terrible spender. Hence the
reason for all our CRAP! Not trying to save for a new house or boat or car or
vacation or something outrageous. Just simply spend less.)
I think that’s a good start. Not
trying to end global warming, but trying to become a better person for my kids
to grow up watching. I want them to have memories of me… like I have of my mom.
So, that’s it.
2015… Please be kind to me. It’s
going to be a really, really hard year. I’m ready for the challenge though. Defying
the odds.

When my husband was away last, we didn't have kids yet. I didn't like him being away, but I did some things that year that I never would have done if he'd been home: things that I'm really proud of, and that helped me find that strength you mentioned in your post here. I hope 2015 is a good year. A solid year, for you, and that you husband stays safe while he's away.
The reason I don't do resolutions is because I just DO. :) I don't need a New Year to set a goal. I hope that makes sense. You can take charge anytime, any day you want. No Debbie Downer here, just someone who knows that life doesn't wait for us. You have the here and now.
I will look forward to your transformation. Your health is the most important thing you have - /soapbox. Without it you have the ability to do nothing, so I really applaud you for taking that step for yourself and your family.
May 2015 bring great things for you! I will be wishing your husband the best and thank ALL of you for your service. - Heather, Life of a Traveling Navy Wife
Wow I didn't realize the life of a military wife is that tough... It really touches me when reading your note...thx for sharing with us your feelings... It is great for those who have husband by side to appreciate more what that have...n deep in my heart I would like to thx military wives n solders who sacrifice her own happiness for others... Tho a lonely life with 3 babies is tough, I hope this will be a great opportunity for you to appreciate your precious relationship... As well as a great opportunity for you to train all good qualities in you. People said hardships make people strong n more compassionate n I think the person with lots is compassion is the most beautiful n her life is most meaningful...🌞😍😅may the sun always shine in your life with much love n may all of your difficulties be overcome miraculously. Love
Hey girl! I remember when tying shoes was on my NYR list. Ah, one more kid to teach... De-crappying our house is on my list, as is a body transformation. You're awesome and your 2015 will be awesome! Hit me up in OK!
Hugs -
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