Thursday, January 9, 2014

Having Gratitude... Everyday.

My husband gave me a Happiness Journal for Christmas. For FIVE years you write one sentence a day. It's really made me stop and think. So many nights I lay in bed relieved... Relieved it's bedtime. Relieved I get to lay horizontal and not be waiting on K and L's every need. Relieved the laundry can wait. You get the point.... I'm beat. I'm exhausted.

So..... Back to the book! It helps me reflect on my day. It helps me think about all that I'm blessed with. It reminds me how lucky I am to even have TWO (Soon to be 3) amazing kiddos to fill my days with laughter, joy, tears, adventure, and exhaustion.

I love the idea of this book because no matter how busy you are, you can write ONE sentence.

I love the idea of this book because no matter how crazy and stressful your day is, you can write ONE sentence about something positive.

Here's mine today: My husband and I took the kids for their flu shots (I know, so much fun!) and they did amazing. They were patient and forgiving!

So, here's to finding your daily dose of happiness!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Wow! That's I really 'deep' and thoughtful gift. I think I'll steal that idea for myself and start doing the same thing. I'm a positive person but reflecting on the daily positives isn't something I really do. Thanks Mal (and husband)!