Friday, September 26, 2014

Guest Blog- Are you at the TOP? By Sharyn Jackson

Are you at the TOP?

Priorities.  You have a lot of them, right?   Your kids, husband, house, work, kid’s school, kids extra curricula’s, dog, car, cleaning…YOU?  Wait, what?  Yes, I just said YOU! Bet you never thought that YOU were one of those TOP priorities…BUT dang right you are!

Trust me, it took me a long, long time to actually put myself ahead of everything and everyone else for about an hour a day BUT I can tell you that as soon as I did it, it changed me.  I am a person too.  I have needs and I WANT to feel the best that I can!

So where did it all start? Well, I have always been very into being healthy…until I had my girls.  This is completely unacceptable but I was that pregnant lady that kind of just shoved whatever I felt like eating at that moment into my mouth and it WASN’T always healthy.  I was sick with all three of my kids, very nauseous and also I had so many headaches that I can’t even say I was very active.  I tried but I felt like an alien in my own body.

So in between my babies I exercised here and there but never really did not get into a solid workout regime nor was I really watching what I was eating.  Being a personal trainer prior to having babies, you would have thought that I would really be fit and healthy.  And as much as I wanted too, I had ZERO motivation and the exhaustion was not helping.  Mama’s you KNOW what I am talking about!

Then, one day I woke up and decided that I didn’t want to be that tired, grumpy Mama anymore.  I felt awful every day walking around with that fog around me.  My kids and husband deserved so much better and I was really the only one to change it! 

So I picked up Insanity.  You have heard of it, haven’t you?  It’s that crazy and intense at home workout program that you may see on infomercials late at night!  A girlfriend of mine was hosting a virtual fitness group for women so I decided to join her and complete my Insanity program.  I so desperately needed the accountability and support so I could get through it.  And it was the BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE…AND NOT JUST FOR ME BUT FOR EVERYONE WHO SURROUNDED ME.

My point in telling you this is that YOU too can do this.  Why should you just become less of a priority because you have children? They need to be the REASON why you ARE a priority.  It is just normal in our house now when I push play and workout with Shaun T or Chalene Johnson.  They are household names and I freaking love it!  And more often than not your kids will join you.  Do you have any idea of how much an impact this will have on them for the rest of their life?  Plus, it’s such a great way to tire them out too…lol!  They may even sleep better for you!

And it’s not just about exercise.  I find the hardest part is what you eat…ya know?  Bad food is EVERYWHERE and it is always so easily accessible.  So the planning of what to eat each week and how to actually begin can be very overwhelming.  But I am going to list a few books for you, to help you get started.  And if being healthy and fit is something you have always wanted you have to know that if you put your mind to it, YOU WILL SUCCEED!  Your body only does what your mind tells it too!!

So, I really want you to sit down, take out a sheet of paper and write down your priorities with YOU being at the very top!  TRUST ME…it’s okay!!!  There is NO need to feel guilty. Mom’s need their time too.   It WILL make you better. It WILL make you happier. It WILL make you more confident.  It WILL get you your body back.  It WILL just be freaking awesome J 

Now, here are those books I promised you…

Remember too, this is not a quick fix to fit into those jeans for that special night.  This is a lifestyle change. It’s NOT always going to be perfect, but if you stick with it the best that you can, YOU will be a SUCCESS!

Sharyn Jackson
-Fit Mama Posse Founder, Virtual Fitness Coach and Personal Trainer


For fit tips, inspiration or motivation you can follow me on Instagram @FitMamaPosse or on FB at  My blog is pretty cool too, check it out

1 comment:

Kristen said...

It was after my son was born that I put on my weight too. Combination of hormone issues and exhaustion just messed with my priorities! I'm working on getting things back on track but it is definitely a slow road. :)