Thursday, October 16, 2014

I LOVE your beautiful mess.


The other day I was out with K grabbing some groceries. When I got home my husband said my friend stopped by.

First thing I thought.... "Oh my gosh.... Please, oh please, tell me she didn't come in."

My house... was beyond messy. It was worse than a herd of elephants running through. Wait... Maybe even worse than that. It was HORRIBLE. I had fantastic excuses (Headache, feud with trash man, about to pack for a trip, just cooked, dishwasher broken, my give-a-damn is busted). Anyways, it was bad.

She came in.

I started to tear up out of embarrassment. And.... started to clean. Not sure why because she has already witnessed this horror show!

I sent her a text. "I absolutely LOVE you but I am mortified you saw my house such a mess."

She replied with "I LOVE your beautiful mess."

That's just it... Our life is not always pretty. We spend so much time trying to polish ourselves on the outside to make people think we have it all together on the inside. We want our kids to behave like angels in public when in reality they climb the walls at home. We want our guests that visit our home to think w don't live there. We don't want to be in family pictures because we want FB to think we are 50 lbs. lighter. We want people to think we don't have a dog... when in fact he was the best 4 legged thing that happened to us! And black yoga pants? Yes, please!! Make-up and matching clothes are optional over here sister girl!

Why can't we just love our beautiful mess? Why do we try to paint some crazy picture of life when it never goes as planned? It's ok to be normal. It's ok to admit... "HEY, THIS IS AN OFF WEEK FOR ME."

Well.... This is ME. I'm screaming on the to of my lungs that I'm NOT perfect. I have 6 loads of laundry piled on my bed. No wait, it's now overflowing TWO baskets on the floor because I'm about to go to bed. There's dishes in my sink. Dog hair. Yep, I said it. My towels are just thrown on the rack. My kids pretty much get their clothes out of the dryer. What's a closet for anyways?

You always dream about finding a friend you can show your "mess" to. (Although, I still wish my trash was taken out!! BUT We are feuding with the trash truck guy and he skipped our house last week. That's another story though.)

This year I am going to learn how to love me. My beautiful mess and all. I am going to be BRAVE... and 100% honest.

*Side note: Are y'all wondering why my friend stopped by?? Ok, ok... I'll tell you. She brought me a 12 pack of soda (It has Christmas holly on the package...I'm obsessed with Christmas) and fresh flowers. She is the most amazing friend. I feel so incredibly blessed that God emailed her to me. (That's how we met, over email. Ha!) You got mail. No seriously, you do!

She is an amazing woman and a great example of selflessness. I want to learn from her.

She gets me.

I've watched Grey's since it started and for people who watch it.. They will understand.


Elizabeth Trauer said...

I love the beautiful mess that God created perfectly. Thank God for homeschooling. You're my person. I actually know that part of the show. Haha

Luisa Tapia said...

I think we all have those moments...I call mines "organized chaos" lol