Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sharing- A Mircle PCS Story

If you're a normal person.... you have moved once or twice you whole life. It's stressful, tough, exhausting.

If you're Military... then you have probably moved 10- 15 times!! Sometimes once every year! People who fall into this category deserve a trophy... and a thing of Oreos. Seriously.

I wanted to share this amazing story with you guys. It's AH-MAZING! This is NOT my story.

Here's the video. Then read their story. The original post came from

We will be moving again in the next 6-7 months and I am already thinking about starting to pack. Or maybe having a HUGE garage sale and everything I haven't touched in 2-3 yeas be $1. Moving makes you realize how much crap you really have!

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