Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Scentsy- Review

Scentsy - Product Review

We all know and LOVE this name. If you haven’t heard of it… you have been living under a rock.

Scentsy started to be in everyone’s homes in 2009. Since then they have expanded tremendously adding new sister companies along with lots of must-have products.

When I got asked to do a review for Scentsy I didn’t even think about actually NOT liking a product. There’s absolutely NO way that you can’t like one of their products. You might not like a certain scent, but there is always something different to try.

I for one, am a sucker for anything food or pumpkin. Ha! Especially during the holidays. There is just something about my house smelling like Pumpkin Pie. The only downside to that is when my husband comes home to ZERO pies being made.

So… back to my review… I got to try out the amazing Zen Rock warmer from their Element collection. I have lots of light up warmers, but this was my first one that didn’t illuminate. Basically, you’re getting the same fun stuff only in a smaller package. I also got to try Pumpkin Roll.... it has always been one of my favorites! Deliciousness in a plastic container.

Scentsy is known for their Simple System. They have a HUGE line of warmers that melt specially formulated wax with the heat of a low-watt light bulb. They have more than 80 Scentsy fragrances depending on what season it is! Their warmers melt the wax safely, with no flame, smoke, or soot.

Did you read that last sentence?? Their warmers melt the wax safely, with no flame, smoke, or soot.

Have you ever wondered where all the wax goes when you start burning a candle… with an OPEN FLAME? After several hours the wax just disappears. Actually, you are breathing it in… you KIDS are breathing this crap in. With Scentsy, once you melt the wax for several hours… and I mean close to a million (Ok, not really a million hours. I have used the same wax for a few weeks though!) the wax is still there in the dish!! I usually keep the container it comes in and pour it back in once the scent has weakened. I say weakened instead of “gone” because I can always smell a small scent. I usually put my used wax container under the sinks, in closets, or in my dresser just for the subtle smell. I love them.

The low-watt light bulb… genius. Anyone have a TWO year old that can’t keep their grubby paws off anything? Yeah, Miss K touches, eats, smells, destroys just about everything. Unfortunately, she thinks my Scentsy warmers are another version of a paraffin wax bar before her next manicure. Thankfully…. The wax is being melted at room temperature so she won’t get burned.

Soot…. What a bad, bad word for someone who rents a house. OR someone with allergies! Yuck!  The actual definition is fine black particles, chiefly composed of carbon, produced by incomplete combustion of coal, oil, wood, or other fuels. Double yuck! When you burn a candle… YOU’RE INHALING THAT!!!

Here is a picture of my candle mishap. I have yet to get it completely off. Yes, I even used a magic eraser.

With my Scentsy warmer I don’t have to worry about any of that. The only thing I need to think about is when to change my wax. Which… I must admit, I’m terrible at that.

So Cristina… hands down she has the BEST customer service. She goes above and beyond to make sure her customers are happy. I participated in one of her fundraisers and just for being a part of it she sent me a little “Thank You” gift in the mail. (Each Individual consultant can offer fundraisers to organizations. You can get credit for sales, but you give up a percentage of your actual commission to the group doing the fundraiser. She always gives them 100% of her commission.) She also has a customer loyalty program AND sends monthly samples! My mailbox smells better than yours!

Another one of my favorite things she offers (Completely on her own) is a subscription to Scent of the month. I love to get the scent of the month but can hardly remember to buy one every month. You can pay for your monthly bar and she will automatically send it to you.

Now…. WHO is ready for an amazing giveaway just in time for Christmas?


Here are the links to get in touch with Cristina:

** I was not compensated besides the actual product for this review. This is based on my own personal opinion and not the views of Scensty. This giveaway is done by me in its entirety.**


Laurie Murley said...

i would keep this for me

Alison H said...

Tough decision! I'd love to keep it for myself, but I think my aunt would appreciate it too. Maybe we could share. ;)

Lauren E said...

I'd give this one as a gift.


Keep it for myself!

Megan C said...

This one I will have to keep for myself. I collect owls and my bedroom is white and green. t would fit in perfectly!

Darlene Carbajal said...

I would give it as a gift!

Lori Timms said...

To be honest, I would probably keep it. I've never had one before and would love to experience the scents! I would however be gifting every person that walks into my home a wonderful smell!! ;)

Sherrie McQueen said...

I would have to keep this one. I love Owls & I have heard lots of good things about Scentsy! So for sure I would gift this to myself!

Jamie Lejman said...

I would totally keep this for me! My son has bad allergies and I didn't know that I'm making him breathe in all that nasty stuff!

Simply_Kayla said...

I'd keep it! :)

Angela Heath said...

I would give it to my mom. She has been wanting one :)

Maria Nuñez said...

I would keep it.

angie bailey said...

I would keep it!