Sunday, July 18, 2010

Monsoon Season... Rain Rain is a Pain...

Hey that rhymed!  Actually monsoon season hasn't been too bad! I kind of am enjoying it! Plus I am saving lots of money since I am not going out to shop! Getting to shop is exciting... but getting to shop during a monsoon is NOT exciting.  I really need some rainboots. I looked online, but I haven't pulled the trigger yet.  I found some today while I was out and about with some friends and they all have heels on them! Seriously? You need to have a heel on your rainboot? Not to mention my shoe size here is about a 480. :)  I really don't know my shoe size here yet... All I know is my son's is a 140. Crazy aka "Beechon" in Korean! 

Missing James... of course.  Bought Logan a fish today and a very nice fish tank to match his room.  We named his fish Monsoon :) Well I did, he didn't have a say in the name picking process.  Two weeks until we get to move into our new apartment.  I can't wait. I go on the 26th to get the inspection done, so it will begin to feel real then.  I love this house, and it was great to start our adventure off with, but I will be so much happier at Viva.  I think our whole family will be happier... Parks for Logan to play, including a water park, All the friends that I made are around that area, not to mention it is way closer to base. It is also much bigger!  Oh, and did I mention a dishwasher.  My poor poor  hands... all this hard labor! James would laugh if he read that!

I am back to staying up all night. I guess I really can't sleep without him.  It is 4:22 am here in Korea. I worked a few hours on my homework, and now I am clearing my mind before bed.  I also wanted to share the news that I am trying to get a wrotong gig for a magazine.  The only I would LOVE to write for is Military Spouse Magazine.  I emailed them, which I am sure everyone does... And guess what I did... Yep, you gessed right... Forgot to spellcheck my email before I sent it!! Can you believe it? (Well I can!) They say patience is a virtue. We shall see if I get a response. If not... then i will keep trying. My good friend Dori (yeah the fish) said "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... What do we do???  Keep swimming!" I will keep trying, if you didn't pick up on that! Plus with the 10 day forecast saying rain everyday... I thought swimming would be more appropiate. 

Goodnight Everyone! I hope this week is Blessed, and you love the one you're with!

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