Thursday, January 12, 2012

21 and counting...

I know your probably thinking that we should have less than 21 weeks, but I had originally hoped to leave a little early.  Now we are officially on the correct countdown...not the hopeful one. I'm actually ok with either as long as we're counting down.

I can't believe January is halfway over. Where did it go?

What might have made the time go by quick:

I've been planning Logan's party.  If I added up all the time I've spent making things (sounds way better than adding up the money I've spent) I'm at 30 hrs at least.  Each day I sit down and do 2-4 hrs of creating.  Some say I'm crazy.  I just say I'm able. If I'm able to do this (spend the money, craft, create, brainstorm, add some extra joy to my kiddo and all his friends lives for just a few hours.... WHY NOT?  I even have a photographer coming so I don't have to worry about getting pictures!

I'm still pregnant.. :)  We are going on 6 weeks now.  Tomorrow I'm getting an ultrasound which is pretty exciting.  An ultrasound at a Korean Hospital... should be interesting!

I think it's a girl.  Not only does my guts say so too but I peed on baking soda... NO Fizz = GIRL... and I did the wedding ring on the thread.... it went in circles = GIRL.  I think logically this all means I'm having a girl!  (A mama can hope!)

Looking at houses.... Oh, I can't wait to be in Colorado!

Selling stuff and packing... Yes, it's early but who cares!

AND I started a BUNCO group!  The ladies are fantastic... so much fun. I couldn't pick a better group(even though I DID pick them). I love watching all the little relationships I've made along my Korean journey mesh into one night of ladies only and gambling.  I have yet to win, but the excitement on my friends faces when they do is just as fun!

Another fun update y'all are dying to know... My list of 24 places I want to visit before we go back to the US... Let's just say.... ummm.... We have yet to go anywhere! It's been in the 20's.  Anyone who knows me.... knows I HATE the cold! (Maybe Spring?)

Anywho... Just wanted to write before my head hit the pillow.  I have so much to be thankful.  I'm blessed. God sure did put me on an incredible journey. I'll write again next week when I debut Logan's Party.  I have had a few people ask me to blog about it so I've been taking pictures along the way. Dr. Seuss overload! 

In closing... I wanted to post this awesome article I found about Dr. Seuss and his books.  Maybe this is why I love all of his work so much and will always share it over and over with my kiddos!

It's long BUT worth the read!

21 Lessons Learned from Dr. SeussThere are so many great lessons from Dr. Seuss. Each of his book is such a treasure trove of ideas and actions for a better life. What I did here is boil down a set of 21 lessons that highlight his key themes across his works and quotes:
  1. Be a thinker of great things. Dr. Seuss teaches us, “Oh, the things you can think up if only you try!”
  2. Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Sometimes you just don’t know what you’ve got until after it’s gone. In Bartholomew and the Ooblek, King Didd got what he wished for, but the sticky Ooblek goo was worse than the fog, snow, sunshine, and rain that it replaced. The King quickly wanted his old weather back and he learned to appreciate it.
  3. Be your best you. In the words of Dr. Seuss, “There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Make the most of what you’ve got. In Yertle the Turtle, we see “feather envy” and it’s a gentle reminder to be careful what you wish for and appreciate what you’ve got.
  4. Bend your world in wonderful ways. Nobody bends it like the Cat in the Hat. From the metaphors you use, to the thinks that you think, you can shape your world that’s right in front of you.
  5. Don’t put yourself in a box. You’re only limited by your own imagination. The Cat in the Hat teaches us how to let our imaginations run wild.
  6. Don’t waste your time worrying who’s better than who. In Yertle the Turtle, Dr. Seuss teaches us that “You have better things to do than argue who’s better than who.”
  7. Dream it and do it. You can move mountains when you put your mind to it. Direct your life like a blockbuster and make things happen.
  8. Edutainment wins over boring and ho-hum. With whacky words, wondrous worlds, and fantastical characters, Dr. Seuss taught us the edutainment is how you change a child’s life. Reading is only boring if you make it so.
  9. Kindle your curiosity. Keep your mind open and your eyes peeled. Stay curious and follow your growth.
  10. Life happens in moments at a time. Don’t miss out on life by tuning out the little things along the way.
  11. Own your fun. There’s more to do than play in the rain. When you’re bored, you’re boring. The Cat in the Hat teaches us to be the maker of our own fun. Make each day your own special blend of whatever it is that best floats your boat.
  12. Play at your day. You can play at your day, in every way.
  13. Persistence pays off. Be relentless in your pursuit of things. In Green Eggs and Ham, it was through persistence that Sam-I-Am finally got the unnamed character to try the green eggs and ham. In real life, Dr. Seuss’s first children’s book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, was rejected 27 times before being published by Vanguard Press.
  14. Treat people fairly and squarely. In The Sneetches and Other Stories, Dr. Seuss shows us that we can’t judge people by their lot in life or whether they have a star on their belly. In Yertle the Turtle, it’s a reminder not to climb over people on your way to the top, because they’re same people you’ll see on your way back down.
  15. Try it … you just might like it. In Green Eggs and Ham, when the unnamed character was surprised to find out that he actually likes green eggs and ham once he tried them. You just never know until you try.
  16. Saying you’re sorry can help make things right. In Bartholomew and the Oobleck, when the king finally said the magic words, “I’m sorry,” and “it’s all my fault,” he helped make things right again.
  17. See the bright side of things. It’s a great day for up, when you can see the sunny side of things. Sure sometimes you’ll have to work at it, but positivity is a skill. Do it daily.
  18. Setbacks happen. Deal with them and move on. Make trouble think twice about messing with you.
  19. Some people are much more unlucky than you. When you’re down in the dumps and things get real bad, remind yourself that somewhere, somehow, someway … somebody is much “more unlucky than you.”
  20. Success is a journey and we all have our own paths. Make your journey count. Don’t let fear stop you. Don’t let conventional wisdom stop you. Lead the life you want to live, and when there’s no path, make one.
  21. Your voice counts. In Horton Hears a Who, Dr. Seuss shows us how one little voice can tip the scale … after all, “A person’s a person, no matter how small.”

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