Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Thirty something... FACTS

As most of you know… I’m turning THIRTY in a few weeks. I am actually having a really rough time coming to the realization that I will no longer be in my TWENTY’S. Usually I LOVE my birthday. I like to celebrate all week long! This time I kind of want to sleep right through it. To be completely honest, I wouldn’t mind being 29 for a few more years. For the next few blog posts, I am going to be doing “30 something” blog topics.

To start us off I’m going to be listing 30 facts about me:  

1. I met my husband at the bar. (I told him that night I was going to marry him.)

2. We got married less than 6 months later.

3. I have only blow dried my hair twice in over 2 years.

4. I rarely brush my hair.

5. I only finish about ONE book a year.

6. I have my husband’s name tattooed on my wrist.

7. No, I don’t regret #6.

8. I LOVE soda. Yes, I know it can kill you. (I’ve been soda free for 3 weeks now.)

9. I could stay in my house for weeks at a time. Maybe even months.

10. If I see a flat surface in my house I will stack junk on it.

11. I absolutely hate eating anything with NUTS. (Except peanuts)

12. I have never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

13. I think marijuana should be legalized.

14. I use to be a Budweiser girl.

15. I am a TV addict. (Seriously, I have seen almost every.single.show.)

16. I have never broken a bone. (I hope this isn’t jinxing me.)

17. I sang acappella at my dad’s funeral.

18. I was born in Colorado, but always say I’m from TX.

19. I’m a CphT. (Certified Pharmacy Technician)

20. I could sleep ALL day long.

21. If I really love a movie, I will watch it 2-3 times in a row.

22. I was sexually harassed in college by my professor. When I came forward so did several other students and teachers.

23. I have to make a list for everything… even though I NEVER complete them.

24. I am obsessed with Christmas.

25. I never went to Prom.

26. I saved someone’s life after they got into an accident driving drunk. I had nightmares for months.

27. My dream is to run a marathon someday.

28. I had tongue surgery.

29. I could eat cereal for every meal.

30. I haven’t been in a swimming pool in 5+ years. (Or lake, water park, ocean…)


Poe Kitten said...

I totally agree with you on #9...I often have to force myself to get out of the house! I just like being home:) And as for #16....me either!

I think my 30's so far have been fun:) Hope you enjoy yours!

Rhe Christine said...

i really thought I was the only one that rarely brushed their hair. lol! thank heavens :)
and I'm a crazy list lady too....and have been since I was little

Vanessa said...

Oh man, I love soda, too! And hubby and I also met at a bar -- and while I didn't tell him that night I was going to marry him, I did go wedding dress shopping before he proposed ;)

Happy early birthday, btw -- I love my 30s! They are a blast!