Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thirty something… Bucket list

Everyone has goals and dreams. They can either be short term or long term, each being just as important. Hopefully my 30’s will be life changing and goal achieving!


1.  Swim with dolphins. (Sorry PETA!)

2.  Go zip-lining.

3.  Learn how to mow the yard.

4. Walk another 60 miles for Breast Cancer this year in Dallas.

5.  Volunteer at the Animal Shelter.

6.  Read 5 books in 1 year.

7.  Pass out blankets to the homeless in my community this winter season.

8.  Go one dates with my husband.

9.  Get a makeover. (Never had one. A REAL one.)

10.  Bring the police station and fire department cookies.

11.  Inspire others.

12.  Lose 60 lbs.

13.  Teach Logan to ride his bike.

14.  Finish my degree.

15.  Downsize my clutter!

16.  Go to one of Ellen’s shows.

17.  Wear shorts during the awful HOT summers here in TX. (It’s been 10 years!)

18.  Run a marathon. (Maybe just a half!)

19.  Spread my dad’s ashes in the mountains of CO. (I have a tiny urn with some.)

20.  Go to a Zumba class.

21.  Donate my hair to Locks of Love… AGAIN!

22.  Go on a cruise with JUST my husband.

23.  Dance in the rain.

24.  Own a snow cone truck. (Hey… I have 10 years right?)

25.  Volunteer with Make-A-Wish foundation.

26.  Bake a pie from scratch.

27.  Learn how to meal plan.

28.  Pick out and cut down a REAL Christmas tree!!! (Sorry… The Tree version of PETA!)

29.  Go camping more.

30.  Take my kids to Disneyland.

1 comment:

Em said...

Love your list!! :) I can't believe I should be making a list of 30 before 30 bucket list soon too! Going to Ellen's show would be so awesome!!