Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Public Struggle

What you eat in private is seen in public. 

Why does weight have to be a constant battle for me?  I love food. Not going to lie. I'm not an emotional eater... I'm just an eater.

Why do I do amazing and then I quickly let it all go? It's that cheat meal I waited so long to have.  Then it turns into a cheat week... a cheat month. Instead of forgiving myself, I just considered it a failure.

How can I get back on track and make it last this time?  I need to change my outlook.  This is my life, and thankfully the only thing that's holding me back is ME!

This is a journey... not a quick fix.  I first need to change my outlook before I change anything else.  I am ready to do this once and for all. 

Weight... will NO longer stop me from anything.

I'm starting this journey today.  I'm not looking back.  This won't turn into a weight-loss blog, but I will be tracking my goals and thoughts on here. 

Where will you be a year from now?

My goals:  To lose 40lbs in 23 weeks. 
To fit into my skinny jeans.
To go shopping for a whole new style.
To cook a healthy meal every night for my family.
To workout 6 times a week.



Sheila said...

I think this all sounds great but have you thought about smaller more manageable goal and then adding on to them. They say you keep and maintain goals that are broken down a more digestible. I think more women struggle with there weight and although I don't say anything it is my biggest issue. Lets help each other out. I have worked out two times this week!

Natalie said...

Mallory you're such an incredible person, you give to others constantly and this will be a life changing gift to yourself. I heard a woman say something yesterday that really struck me and I hope it will help you with your journey. She said that she would look at the entirety of her goal and feel overwhelmed, that if she gave in to temptation and ate a piece of cake it would throw her off the food wagon (sounds familiar to me). So, she decided to do something that probably seems super obvious but to me it wasn't...she took things one day at a time. Rather than seeing an entire life where she'd never be able to indulge in everything she wanted she said to herself, "Can I do this TODAY? Can I eat healthy just for today? Can I exercise TODAY?" and always found that she could. I think it helps to resist the temptation of food and not working out. Another quote I like is "you can have the treat you've wanted for five minutes or the body you've wanted for years." Good luck Mallory! :) <3 Natalie Shanholtzer